India, a tapestry of vibrant culture, ancient history, and captivating landscapes, beckons writers and explorers alike. If you are passionate about sharing your insights, experiences, and knowledge about this extraordinary country, we invite you to join our team of esteemed authors and contribute to our blog dedicated to all things India.

Unveiling the Wonders of India: Our Blog’s Mission

Our blog serves as a repository of knowledge, a literary canvas where we unravel the multifaceted marvels of India. We aim to captivate readers with tales of ancient traditions, contemporary issues, travelogues, culinary adventures, and much more. We welcome articles that delve into the rich history, diverse cultures, vibrant art forms, and the complex social fabric of this captivating nation.

Contribute Your Voice: Become an Author or Guest Blogger

We are seeking passionate writers who possess a deep understanding and love for India. Whether you are an established author, a budding blogger, or simply an individual with a unique perspective to share, we encourage you to contribute your voice to our platform.

For Aspiring Authors: Become a Contributor

If you aspire to become a regular contributor to our blog, we welcome you to submit your articles for consideration. Your contributions should align with our editorial guidelines and demonstrate a high level of writing proficiency, research, and originality. Regular contributors will have the opportunity to establish themselves as experts on India-related topics and gain recognition for their work.

For Guest Bloggers: Share Your Insights

We are also delighted to host guest bloggers who bring fresh perspectives and specialized knowledge to our platform. If you have a specific topic or story that you believe would resonate with our readers, please reach out to us with your proposal. We will carefully review your submission and consider it for publication as a guest post.

Contributor Guidelines: Ensuring Excellence

To maintain the highest standards of quality, we have established a set of contributor guidelines that all authors must adhere to. These guidelines cover aspects such as:

  • Article Length: Articles should typically range between 800 and 1200 words.
  • Writing Style: We seek articles that are well-written, engaging, and informative. Your writing should be clear, concise, and free of grammatical errors.
  • Research and Citations: All articles must be thoroughly researched and supported by reputable sources. Citations should be included in the form of footnotes or endnotes.
  • Originality: We prioritize original content that provides unique insights and perspectives on India.
  • Exclusivity: Articles submitted to our blog should not have been published elsewhere.


Submitting Your Content: A Seamless Process

Submitting your articles or guest post proposals is a straightforward process. Simply follow these steps:
  1. Create an account: Register on our website as a contributor or guest blogger.
  2. Submit your article: Click on the “Contribute” button and upload your article in Microsoft Word or Google Docs format.
  3. Provide necessary information: Include a brief bio and a headshot along with your article submission.
  4. Review process: Our editorial team will review your submission and provide feedback within 2-3 weeks.

Join Our Community of India Enthusiasts

By joining our team of authors and guest bloggers, you will become part of a vibrant community of India enthusiasts. You will have the opportunity to connect with other writers, share your knowledge, and contribute to a platform that celebrates the richness and diversity of this extraordinary nation.

About India: A Kaleidoscope of Culture and History

India, the cradle of civilization, boasts a rich and diverse history that spans millennia. From the ancient Indus Valley Civilization to the Mughal Empire and the British Raj, India’s past has shaped its present in countless ways.

  • Culture: India is a melting pot of cultures, with over 22 official languages and thousands of dialects. Its vibrant festivals, traditional arts, and ancient religions create a tapestry of cultural diversity.
  • History: India’s history is a testament to the rise and fall of empires, the struggle for independence, and the emergence of a modern democracy.
  • Geography: From the snow-capped Himalayas to the tropical beaches of Goa, India’s landscapes are as diverse as its people.
  • Economy: India is a rapidly growing economy with a thriving tech industry and a large agricultural sector.
  • People: India is home to over 1.4 billion people, making it the second most populous country in the world. Its people are known for their hospitality, warmth, and resilience.

Closing Words: Embark on a Literary Journey

We invite you to embark on a literary journey with us. Share your passion for India, inspire our readers, and contribute to a growing body of knowledge about this incredible nation. Join our team of authors and guest bloggers today and let your voice be heard in the world of India-centric literature.

Become an Author
Become an Author

Contribute to Our Site: Become a Guest Blogger or Contributing Writer

If you’re passionate about sharing your knowledge and insights about India, we invite you to contribute to our site. We’re always looking for experienced authors and guest bloggers to provide valuable content for our readers.

Benefits of Contributing and Become an Author:

  • Reach a wider audience: Our site has a dedicated following of readers interested in learning about India.
  • Build your credibility: Establish yourself as an authority in your field by publishing your work on our platform.
  • Get noticed: Your articles may be featured in our newsletter, social media, or other promotional channels.
  • Network with other writers: Join a community of like-minded authors and bloggers.

Contributor Guidelines:

  • Content: Articles should be well-researched, informative, and original.
  • Style: Write in a clear, engaging, and conversational style.
  • Length: Ideal length is between 800-1500 words.
  • Images and Media: Include relevant images, videos, or other media to enhance your article.
  • Format: Submit your article in a Microsoft Word document.

How to Become a Author Contributor:

To become a guest blogger or contributing writer, please follow these steps:

  1. Read Contributor Guidelines: Familiarize yourself with our content guidelines.
  2. Submit a Guest Blog Request: Send an email to with your proposed article topic and a brief bio.
  3. Submit a Contributor Application: If you wish to become a regular contributor, fill out our Contributor Application Form on our website.
  4. Review and Editorial Process: Your article will undergo a review and editorial process before it is published.

About India:

Our site covers various aspects of India, including:

  • History
  • Culture
  • Travel
  • Food
  • Religion
  • Politics

We encourage submissions that explore these topics from unique perspectives and provide insights for our readers.

Join us in sharing the wonders of India with the world! Submit your content today to contribute to our site and become a part of our writing community and Become an Author.





About The Founder Mr. Amit Badia, the proprietor of Abinfocom started his career with computer Warehouse in 1993 just after finishing his graduation. A keen learner, he has developed his expertise in the virtual world at his own. Amit has always been an ardent believer of expanding the knowledge horizon without depending on any source. He never limits or restricts any domain but always work upon things to connect it with other domains to practically show the utility of every business.

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