1. Eat a Healthy Diet:
    • Cut down on foods high in salt, free sugars, saturated fats, and trans-fatty acids.
    • Eat at least five portions of fruits and vegetables daily.
    • Consider a balanced and diversified diet.
  2. Be Active:
    • Add a walk after meals, sweep floors, or take the stairs.
    • Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate activity per week (adults).
    • Encourage children and teenagers to exercise for 60 minutes daily.
  3. Avoid Harmful Use of Alcohol:
    • Be aware of the risks associated with alcohol consumption.
    • Discuss alcohol consumption with a healthcare professional if necessary.
  4. Don’t Use Tobacco or Vape:
    • Quitting tobacco reduces the risk of heart disease, cancer, and other diseases.
    • E-cigarettes are harmful to health, especially for young people.
  5. Look Out for Your Sexual Health:
    • Sexual activities require explicit consent and should be free from coercion.
    • Use condoms to prevent STIs, unplanned pregnancies, and HIV.
  6. Connect in Person for Mental Health:
    • Loneliness is a health risk.
    • Form meaningful social connections through face-to-face or digital contact.
    • Practice good mental health habits to manage stress.
  7. Get Vaccinated:
    • Ensure routine vaccinations are up-to-date.
    • Catch up on missed vaccines for children.
    • Vaccines prevent life-threatening diseases.
  8. Take Antimicrobials the Right Way:
    • Only take antimicrobials when prescribed by a healthcare provider.
    • Complete the full treatment course.
    • Don’t share leftover antibiotics.
    • Avoid antibiotics for viral infections.
  9. Wash Your Hands:
    • Use soap and water or an alcohol-based rub to prevent the spread of infections.
  10. Get Regular Check-ups:
  • Monitor blood pressure to prevent hypertension.
  • Screen for hepatitis, HIV, tuberculosis, and STIs.
  • Detect cancer early through screenings like pap smears and prostate exams.

About The Founder Mr. Amit Badia, the proprietor of Abinfocom started his career with computer Warehouse in 1993 just after finishing his graduation. A keen learner, he has developed his expertise in the virtual world at his own. Amit has always been an ardent believer of expanding the knowledge horizon without depending on any source. He never limits or restricts any domain but always work upon things to connect it with other domains to practically show the utility of every business.

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